Friday, April 26, 2013

Catfish, the documentary.

This is the remarkable story of the raw reality of what it means to be human and the conflict it has as we enter into the new age media world.

Here is the basis plot and storyline as found on Wikipedia, while here's what I have to say about it:

"When we change the way we communicate, we change society," as my favorite social networker, Clay Shirky, says. I find this statement to hold absolute truth, one of the truest things that is essential for society of all times. Communication is the key of a functional society; whether it be through sound, word, image, or thought. Expression through any of these mediums conveys a message from person A to person B, a beautiful interaction that is what makes life life.

And, we are living in a world where we can do all of these expressions at once. This remarkable truth that we can now communicate with others with whatever medium, expression, message, or whatever you want to call it, makes this communication perfect. It helps perfects society in this small area, because now we are capable of doing the things never thought possible. Moving images associated with words, the ability to see a person you have no seen in a long time only inches away from you on a screen, the power you have to be you.

It's so perfect, that I feel we as a society do not yet fully know how to use it.

Catfish the strong story of a man who has been lied to, manipulated, and humiliated by the power of a single woman, only is the reminder of one thing: social media networking is perfect. It is. I will argue this not because of any technical media landscape models or features a website could offer, because that is minuscule and nothing compared to the human mind.

Because, social media networking is perfect in its way that it can convince the human mind it can be perfect, too. In an interview I conducted with CalPoly sociology professor, Dr. Loo, addressed this idea as well by saying that our DNA is not completely adjusted nor evolved to the fact that we can adopt so many identities.

In fact, identities are reeking from the social media landscape right now. As I type, I can become one person or another at my disposal. Nothing is stopping me, and Catfish, again, is a sole reminder of this fact. As unfortunate it is for the individuals on the other side of the screen who are being lied to, we can convince our minds that the picture we see on the screen is who we are talking to.

And, it is sad. I find it sad that as beautiful as the Internet is, it can cause so much pain and heartache to those victim to its perfection. I like to see it as this: we are human beings on perfect machines, not perfect human beings on machines.

This notion was only reconfirmed by the follow-up video that I found on YouTube while finding the trailer for readers on this blog. Take a look at it, cheers.

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