Friday, November 2, 2012

Blog 9: Working EQ and Possible Answers

"How do we make best of the use of social media?"

My working EQ I used during my presentation was: How do we make best of the use of social media? I really like this question for multiple reasons, however I came upon this question when my most important source, Clay Shirky, asked the same concluding question after a discussion on TED. I feel that not only this question is an opened end question and may be interpreted multiple ways, it is a vague, but concise question that requires much thought and understanding. 

I liked my EQ so much that I do not want to revise it at this time. If anything, presenting my presentation to my class helped me build a concrete foundation of this question to help my understanding for the future.  

But, at this point, what are my current answers to my working EQ? Well, as stated before, it really is an open ended question that has multiple answers and interpretations. Because of the nature of this question, it's a great relief, to me anyway, that there is no right or wrong answer... just answers that are more right than wrong and vice versa. 

My answers at this time to my EQ are: 
  1. Use social media as a tool to connect with one another — not to drift away. 
  2. Use social media as a tool to communicate with one another — to share expressions, ideas, and art. 
  3. Use social media freely and do not promote the censorship or manipulation of this new period of communication. 
  4. Use social media to promote democracy, not encourage hatred. 

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